Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ishhhhh Hockaaay

I went with a friend to watch her boyfriend's hockey game today. I've never really been interested in hockey, the most contact I've had with the sport was when I did my figure skating lessons in America and I'd go out onto the ice before lessons and race the ice hockey boys who'd stayed after their class. I was never much of a figure skater, twirling and jumping weren't my thing, I was just interested in going really fast, especially backwards. Anyway, I'm deviating from my point.

I didn't ever think I'd describe it as being an elegant sport, but it really is. When they get knocked down they seem to combine falling and getting back up into one fluid movement. And the way that the ice sprays up when they stop or turn, it's sort of magical. I got quite into it, I can understand sports crowds to a certain extent, but I've never really felt a part of one, and I'm not saying I'm a number one fan, but I felt quite comfortable in the stands. It's also quite a cool sport. I suppose there's something in sports, people all coming together, there's the competitive aspect of course, but it's also a chance for people to get together and talk about a common interest, a common passion and love. I hasten to add that ,ahem, of course it's an incredibly manly and butch sport.

On a slightly different note, I think this blog does have some sort of therapeutic property after all, I mocked it, but I've been feeling in a lot better spirits recently, I could say it's the blog, but I don't know, I suppose I've been spending time with people that I actually like, that always helps eh? But maybe being all miserable and grouchy on this thing is an outlet of some sorts, anyway, I'm off to sleep, best be getting back into the habit of waking up whilst its still, sniff, dark outside ready for school again. :( Oh holidays, how I love you. Parting is, rubbish.

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